Barnesville School News
Barnesville Band Salutes “Feed the Band” and Item Donors
At Band’s Fall Banquet this past week, donors who fed the Barnesville Band at home and away games and visiting teams at home were recognized and honored. They are:
Gold Sponsors: Barnesville Dairy Queen, Barnesville Vision Center, Parish/Allar Families, Matt and Penny Powell, Barnesville Goaliners, KSGR Solutions, Steve and Donna Clark, Woodsfield Savings Bank, Up the Hill Cakes and Moore, Wilson and Christy Bubner, Malaga Garden Center & Landscaping, Campbell-Plumly-Milburn Funeral Home, First Christian Church, Barnesville Community Foundation, Barnesville Community Alumni Band
Silver Sponsors: Backwoods Rising Club
Bronze Sponsors: Revere Music Parent Alumni, Keith and Barbara Wells, Cathy Butler, Doug and Melissa Huff, Leslie Daugherty Photography Art & Design
Barnesville Bands/Choirs Winter Concert
The free event will take place at the BHS Auditorium, Wednesday, December 18, beginning at 7:00.
Performances by:
- Beginning Band
- Intermediate Band
- Advanced Band
- High School Chamber Band
- 5th Grade Choir
- 6th and 7th Grade Choir
- High School Chamber Choir
Barnesville Middle School Spirit Week
Monday – Pajama Day
Tuesday – 5/6 Grades, Green Day; 6/7 Grades, Red Day
Wednesday – Favorite Christmas Character Day
Thursday –Anything but a Cup (water only) – nothing breakable
Friday – Ugly Sweater Day