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Shultz Selected to Lead School Board, Standing Committees Set

by Bruce Yarnall, Barnesville Area News

At the January 9 Organizational Meeting of the Barnesville Exempted Village School Board, Leslie Shultz was selected by members to lead the body this year.  Ed Eberhart was selected as vice president.

Also serving on the elected board this year are Dennis Huntsman, Tammy Wells and  Janice Milliken. 

Board members were named to the following standing committees:

Buildings and Grounds – Milliken and Wells

Athletic Council – Eberhart and Shultz

Negotiations/Labor Relations –Eberhart and Huntsman

Health and Safety –Wells and Shultz

Curriculum – Milliken and Huntsman 

Ed Eberhart was voted Legislative Liaison for the Board

Janice Milliken was voted Achievement Liaison for the Board

And Ed Eberhart was selected as delegate to the Ohio School Boards Association Annual Business Meeting.

In a series of nine resolutions, procedural matters directing business in 2025 were approved.

Finally, the Board established the third Thursday of each month as the official meeting date. Meetings will take place at the Middle School Cafetorium at 5:30 pm.  

In the regular session, chaired by the new president:

 The following donations were received during the month of December and approved at the meeting;  Additional athletic coolers – Barnesville 200 Club, $300, Girls Basketball – $265.  School lunches –  Carol Carpenter, $2,000.

In addition, a donation  of $1,000 was received from Richard Thomas for the stadium turf and lighting project.

The Board reviewed and approved updates to Title IX Grievance Procedures and Complaint of Sexual Harassment policies

Volunteers for the new Junior High Girls Softball Club program were approved. They are Derek Reed and Jason Weiss.

Jerry Robinson was hired pending completion of all necessary paperwork as Boys and Girls Golf Coach for the remainder of the current school year. 

Under announcements the Superintendent and Treasurer announced that January as Board Member Appreciation Month. 

Under new business, the district’s Business Advisory Council Plans were discussed.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 20.

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