Mattox Award to Imperial Glass Society
Belmont County Tourism Director Jackee Pugh, left, was joined by Jon Mattox, Jr., far right, bestowing the annual Maddox Award to Imperial Glass Collectors’ Rosalie Wenckoski and Ed Gostkey this past week.
The Belmont County Tourism Council named the Imperial Glass Collectors’ Society its 2024 “Tourism Champion of the Year” with the annual Mattox Award this past week with a celebration at The Pike 40 near Morristown.,
The Mattox Award is given annually to honor individual organizations that have made significant and long-term contributions to the economic health of Belmont County through their involvement in the field of tourism. It honors the memory of Jon Maddox, founder of the Underground Railroad Museum.
“Congratulations to the National Imperial Glass Collectors’ Society for their passion in preserving the Imperial Glass Company with the National Imperial Glass Museum and their yearly national convention, “ Pugh said.