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School News – January 18

The Junior Women’s Club of Barnesville (JWC) is offering students the chance to compete for state-level scholarships in four distinct categories.

The scholarships include the Annette Phelps Lincoln Scholarship for teaching or library studies, the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Art Scholarship, the Elaine Weinman Memorial Scholarship for communications, and the Ethel G. Swanback Allied Health Scholarship for allied health fields.

Students interested in applying must submit their materials by the end of the school day on February 14.

The local club will review submissions to select one candidate in each category to advance to the state-level competition.

Scholarship amounts vary each year. In 2024, Barnesville High School students received a combined total of $8,000 in awards through this program.

More information on the scholarships is available from the school guidance counselor or from individual club members.   

Ridgerunner 4-H Club Meeting. Members of the Somerton Ridgerunners 4-H Club will meet at the Somerton Firehouse on Sunday, January 19.

Cloverbuds are asked to report at 5:30. That group will make bird feeders at the meeting. All other members should arrive at 6:00.

Middle School Help Group Forming.  A group approved by the Barnesville School Board at the December Meeting is now signing up members. “Empower Ed”, intended to be a group that will help “empower minds and transform lives”, according to organizer Heidi Velas, a school district instructor, who designed the program as part of her Master’s Degree program.

 Following a presentation by Heidi Velas, pre-school instructor who is currently pursuing a master’s degree. Focused on helping students in the 7th and 8th grades with mental health issues, communications and coping skills, the program goals are, among other things to

  • Build Inner Strength
  • Learn Coping Skills
  • Increase Positivity

Students may sign up at the school office or contact Velas by email at

It is anticipated that the program will launch this month. 

Beallsville’s Principal and Honor Lists Released

 The Beallsville School released the following students who achieved honors during the second grading period of the school year:  

Seventh Grade

Principal’s List: Ayla Eing, Corbin Graham, Emory Lang

First Honors: Declyn Benson, Deegan Bondy, Alexis Dornon, Darcy Goodrich, Camryn Lucas,

Chase Morris, Callen Raab, Jacob Riggs

Second Honors: Nyle Phillips

Eighth Grade

Principal’s List: Jaden Cunningham, Rane Gallaher, Lola Moore, Avaleigh Murdy, Emmalynn Pittman

First Honors: Roman Bicknell, Jayden Brown, Katelyn Dornon, Max Gasser, McKenna Gear, Alayna Gonzales, Kaylynn May, Kimber Morris

Ninth Grade

Principal’s List: Jameson Bable, Mason Dennison, Ja’Chelle Hill

First Honors: Rylan Albus, Kylie Anderson, Rayah Chappell, Khloey Clem, Carter Cole,

Marissa Lucas, Abby McCulley, Alivia Ramsey, Logan Tomolonis

Second Honors: Brendon Morris

10th Grade

Principal’s List: Gabriel Eing, Kyler Kinzy, Raegan Lucas, Megan Robinson

First Honors: Chaz Gasser, Jayson Ramsey, Cassy Weiland

Second Honors: Lilly Ward

11th Grade

Principal’s List: Hailey Bable, Ryan Dornon

First Honors: Angel Dunn, Lyndsey Kinney, Carlee Winkler

12th Grade

Principal’s List: Elizabeth Clark, Katie Crooks, Tayla Decker

First Honors: Belle Brown, Anthony Dunn, Madison Mille

OSUE SafeSitter Class – February 17  

Ohio State University Extension is offering a class for students aged 11 to 14.  The instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use manikins to practice rescue skills.

The class will take place at Ohio University Extension 45422 Roscoe Road, St. Clairsville, Monday, February 17 from 10:00 – 3:30. Participants should bring a sack lunch to the program. 

Registration is required by February 3. Organizers note, classes fill up quickly. Call the Ohio State University Extension office at (740) 695-1455 to reserve a spot. The cost is $60 per student.

Barnesville PTA Sets Program Dates

The Barnesville Parent Teachers Assocation recently set dates for several current school year events. They are:

Little Ceasar’s Pizza Pick up,  Wednesday, March 12

Mother/Son Dodgeball, Friday, March 21

Father/Daugher Dance, Friday, April 25

Carnival Day, Friday, May 9. 

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